If you include a few keywords on the page, that’s implementing SEO for a blog post. Oh, my – I wish! If you’re in this boat, then this blog post is for you. SEO for a blog post requires research, strategy, and creativity to incorporate phrases naturally in the right places to attract visitors…. Read more »
Our Blog
How I Quit my Corporate Gig to Become a Solopreneur
Flying solo as a solopreneur seems like the scariest career choice you could ever make. But I’m here to tell you; it doesn’t have to be. Growing up, I believed there was only one path in life: you attend college, start a career with a successful company, get married, join a church, and have 2.5… Read more »
Website Research You Need Before a Makeover
The research revealed something surprising during every website makeover I’ve managed. For example, visitor demographics, behavior, or the level of engagement with the site may be different than expected. That’s why doing your homework and conducting website research before you invest any time, money, or resources will save you big in the end. You’re already… Read more »
Build a Buyer Persona for Better Marketing
A buyer persona is a phrase that only marketing geeks would know and use. Ugh, I fall in that geek box. A more familiar term is the target audience. But, since this post and my blog are about all things marketing, we’ll use the proper phrase, buyer persona. Now that we’ve got that straight, are… Read more »
Website Costs Made Simple
When you think of your website, it’s hard not to see dollars signs – everywhere. And that can be overwhelming. I’ve been there too. Whether you’re launching a new website or need a website redesign, both take some level of financial funding. That’s why I’m sharing these simple tips on navigating website costs so you… Read more »
9 Ways to Grow Your Business
For me, the ultimate sign of growth is a Camilla that blooms. It’s in my blood. My grandfather owned and operated a family nursery most of his adult life. But, unfortunately, growing and maintaining a business is not as simple as when he worked in the nursery. So, how do you grow your business today? … Read more »